Traducción y aprendizaje del inglés by Britannica
merriam webster

2 Resultados de traducción para prepared en español

adjective | verb

prepared adjective

unfavorite favorite

Ejemplos de uso de
prepared adjective

  • The president read a prepared statement.
  • The store sells a selection of prepared foods.
  • I got so nervous. I guess I just wasn't prepared.
  • She was well-prepared and scored high on the test.
  • How much are you prepared to pay?
  • I wasn't prepared to spend that much money.

prepare verb

unfavorite favorite play sound
prepared, has prepared, is preparing, prepares
preparar; prepararse

Ejemplos de uso de
prepare verb

  • The teacher prepared the students for the test.
  • Your room is being prepared now and should be ready soon.
  • The nurses prepared the patient for surgery.
  • Farmers are busy preparing the soil for planting.
  • They'll be arriving soon. We don't have much more time to prepare.
  • We don't have much more time to prepare ourselves for their arrival.
  • She tried to prepare herself for bad news.
  • The sailors are preparing themselves for a long voyage.
  • The pharmacist prepared the prescription.

Sinónimos de
prepare verb

Sinónimos detallados para prepare verb

Prepare, qualify, condition, ready significan hacer que algo o alguien esté listo.
  • Prepare indica un proceso, a menudo complicado, de disponer o disponerse <preparing the soil before planting>.
  • Qualify recalca la idea que la idoneidad para una situación particular, tal como un oficio, un deber o una función, exige ciertas condiciones, tales como el seguir un curso de estudio, o el tomar un examen o un juramento <all three of them qualified for the team>.
  • Condition indica el entrar o poner en un estado que es propio o necesario para satisfacer un propósito o uso particular <her body had been conditioned by weeks of exercise>, o a veces indica meramente el estado que es el resultado inevitable de eventos e impactos pasados <soldiers conditioned to obey by strict training>.
  • Ready pone énfasis en el poner o ponerse en orden, sobre todo para el uso o para la acción <readied the conference room for the meeting>.
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Traducción inversa para prepared

preparado  - ready, prepared, trained 
preparar  - to prepare, to make ready, to teach, to train, to coach 
prepararse  - to prepare, to get ready